Monday, February 21, 2011

Sleepless in the Capitol

An epidemic is sweeping the nations capitol and its not who you think it is. I'm talking about the one-fifths of the House Freshman currently serving in Congress. Yes a recent trend has developed that more and more Congressmen and woman are sleeping in their offices in order to save money and uphold the concept that they are average people just like you and me who don't want to live in D.C. any more than anyone else. The trend of representatives sleeping in their offices dates back to the 1980s and 90s when House Majority Leader Dick Armey of Texas was known to sleep in his office. I think it is something to think about and to ponder while standing around the water cooler.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


I recently saw an article discussing the fact that the final touches were being put on the START treaty before it goes into effect. I do to the bottom of my soul believe that the only one benefiting from the START treaty signed by RUSSIA and the U.S. is the Red Chinese. I think that in the future any arms reduction treaty that is signed must include the Peoples Republic of China. Congress owes the American people that much.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Budget Cuts= Buttered Bread

According to a recent Fox News article concerning a proposed 20 percent cut across the board to federal agencies, I was startled to learn that NASA may have to abandon the international space station. Abandon the International Space Station, are they crazy. I mean the United States is one of the chief supporters of the International Space Station along with other countries around the world and to quit now would not only send a bad message to the American People it would also send a message to the world that the US is no longer a serious player when it comes to technology and space exploration. I would rather see a decrease in defense spending than a decrease in NASA's budget. The day that congress gives up on the ISS is a day that will make Kennedy turn over in his grave.

Crisis in Cairo?

As we all know from the news stories coming out of Cairo and Egypt, the government of Murarak is on the verge of collapse as protesters have taken to the streets in mass. It is too soon to tell what will happen and not if but when the military decides that enough is enough and steps in to put a stop to the violence. I wonder what the outcome of Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Clinton's influence's will be on whether or not the United States can calm down a rapidly deteriorating situation.