Sunday, July 4, 2010

Obama the 15th best president, Seriousely?

A recent survey by Siena College in New York of 238 presidential scholars, has crowned President Obama as the 15th best president of all time out of the 43 U.S. Presidents who have served. President Bush was ranked 39th by the survey. Dont get me wrong I love presidential polls such as these that try to rank the presidents based on different catagories such as the economy, domestic policies, foreign policy, and such. Presidents such as Washington, FDR, and Lincoln are constant mainstays at the top. What I found curiouse was that the Siena survey ranked the top five presidents as FDR, Teddy Rosevelt, Lincoln, Washington, and Jefferson. I decided to google presidential rankings and found that CSPAN came out with a ranking that had Lincoln, Washington, FDR, Teddy Rosevelt, and Truman round out the top 5. George W Bush came in at 36th according to CSPAN. The Problem I have with ranking President Obama is that he hasnt even finished his first term yet and currently his aproval rating is at 24 percent according to Rassmusen Daily Presidential tracking poll. I do believe that this is again a good example of liberal bias eminating from the haloed halls of Academia.

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