Sunday, September 12, 2010

Saudi Weapons deal?

Recently Fox News reported that the Obama Administration is set to endorse a 60 billion dollar weapons deal to Saudi Arabia. The deal includes as many as 84 new F-15 fighters, upgrade 70 more, and purchase three types of helicopters—70 Apaches, 72 Black Hawks and 36 Little birds, officials said.

Monday, July 26, 2010

From North Korea with Love

Fox News recently reported that an former DPRK cabinet official in charge of talks with South Korea has been executed. Kwon Ho Ung was executed by firing squad due to poor work performance. According to Fox News Kwon was the former chief councilor of the North's Cabinet, but it was not clear what about his policy would have prompted his execution. After hearing a story like this I am relieved to live in a America and not communist DPRK.

Back in the Saddle!!!

Its been some time since I last posted on HousePolitic but I'm back and ready to enlighten the minds on issues of today. It appears that President Obama is going to be appearing on the View so as to discuss the progress and accomplishments his Administration has made. I think its good for the President to go on daytime television as Barbara Walters is pretty tough hitting. Recently it has become known that over 75,000 documents about the Afghan war have become available to the public. The question I have is how did such a large number of classified documents become disclosed to the public? Recently it has been announced that embattled CEO Tony Hayward is being sent to Russia to over see BPs joint Russia-BP project. Good luck in Siberia Mr. Hayward.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

NRA supports Harry Reid?

Recently it was reported that the NRA, yes the National Rifle Association, is set to endorse Harry Reid over Sharron Angle in Nevada's U.S. Senate race. I am surprised to say the least that an organization such as the NRA, who claims to be a one issue organization, would support Senator Reid given his 25 percent rating on the issue of gun control and the 2nd amendment. Senator Reid has consistently voted for gun control bills such as the Brady Bill and will continue to do so as long as he is allowed to stay in office. Now I understand that the NRA is not the "National Republican Association" and is beholden to neither party Republican or Democrat but there comes a point where the NRA must ask themselves whats more important, the 2nd amendment or the Politics of Washington.

Monday, July 5, 2010

A joint session for the President of Mexico?

Congress has hit a new low as Mexican President Felipe Calderon addressed a joint session on may 20th to enlighten the American People about how to improve our immigration policies. What a sham, if I were the Republicans I would of gotten up and walked out or not even have attended. I mean seriously, what right other than being a head of state, does he have to go before congress and give his two cents about U.S. policy. I'm disgusted by what our government has become and hope that upcoming elections can give the country some clarity.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Dems just dont get it.

Recently House Speaker Nancy Pelosi commented that the most successful jobs creation program had been Unemployment benefits and that a failure to extend the program would stall the economy and leave many Americans with out a pay check to make ends meat. It appears that Speaker Pelosi and the Dems do not understand basic economics and would prefer instead to develope the welfare state even more than it already is. The best way to jump start the economy is not to simply extend unemplyment benefits but to force those who have been suckeling off the teet of the system to get out there and find a job and start pulling their weight.

Obama the 15th best president, Seriousely?

A recent survey by Siena College in New York of 238 presidential scholars, has crowned President Obama as the 15th best president of all time out of the 43 U.S. Presidents who have served. President Bush was ranked 39th by the survey. Dont get me wrong I love presidential polls such as these that try to rank the presidents based on different catagories such as the economy, domestic policies, foreign policy, and such. Presidents such as Washington, FDR, and Lincoln are constant mainstays at the top. What I found curiouse was that the Siena survey ranked the top five presidents as FDR, Teddy Rosevelt, Lincoln, Washington, and Jefferson. I decided to google presidential rankings and found that CSPAN came out with a ranking that had Lincoln, Washington, FDR, Teddy Rosevelt, and Truman round out the top 5. George W Bush came in at 36th according to CSPAN. The Problem I have with ranking President Obama is that he hasnt even finished his first term yet and currently his aproval rating is at 24 percent according to Rassmusen Daily Presidential tracking poll. I do believe that this is again a good example of liberal bias eminating from the haloed halls of Academia.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Rolling Stone misshap

Note to self, If I'm ever asked to do an interview with a sitting General who is over seeing on of the U.S. two wars please remind me to pass. Recently I had a chance to sit down and read the Rolling Stones article, "The Runaway General" and was taken aback by the lack of foresight shown by both General McChrystal and Rolling Stone magazine. It is clear that the White House was unaware of the Interview as improbable as that may seem. Rolling Stone clearly showed poor judgment in even conducting the interview let alone asking for one. General McChrystal and his staff should never have done such an interview and should have at least taken the time to sit down and review what had been written. Rolling Stone is known for its off its cutting edge pieces and respected journalism. Clearly President Obama was given little choice in replacing McChrystal and should do the same with Ambassador Eikenberry as well. I feel confident that General Petraeus will do an amazing job in stabilizing Afghanistan.