Thursday, August 11, 2011

1st debate of the Season- Round 1 Iowa

Tonight marks the official start to the Presidential race towards 2012. With 8 challengers striving to differentiate themselves from one another and state the case as to why they should be given the chance to face Obama for the prestigious honor of being President of the United States. Will it be conservative Firebrand Michele Bachmann, the constant Tea Party favorite or perhaps Mitt Romney the perceived front runner and favorite to face Obama. The debate will be interesting to see if any of the 8 candidates can seize on the recent financial events and perhaps offer a common sense approach to solving Americas woes. I am curious to see what the candidates with business backgrounds offer in terms of answers. There is good reason to believe that 2012 will be a very transitional and defining moment for the American Republic. I would be curious to play the what if game of alternative history and see if we would be in the same predicament if Hillary Clinton or John McCain had been elected President instead of Obama.