Thursday, January 13, 2011

Winter Term

Winter Term is only 2 weeks in and there is much to be done. I'm excited with the classes that I have and will keep everyone informed on my progress. I am taking a Policy Analysis class and will be looking for a topic to choose so if anyone has any ideas than pleas let me know. I would like to take a moment of silence in honor of the Congress woman from Arizona.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New day has risen on the Political Horizon

There is change in the air as the new congress convened this week and with a new sense of leadership as House Speaker Boehner takes the helm from Congresswoman Pelosi. I for one am optimistic that Republicans have learned their lesson and will actually practice small government accountability rather than simply read the party platform pamplet. It is a new year so let liberty and optimism ring throughout the land.