Friday, June 25, 2010

Rolling Stone misshap

Note to self, If I'm ever asked to do an interview with a sitting General who is over seeing on of the U.S. two wars please remind me to pass. Recently I had a chance to sit down and read the Rolling Stones article, "The Runaway General" and was taken aback by the lack of foresight shown by both General McChrystal and Rolling Stone magazine. It is clear that the White House was unaware of the Interview as improbable as that may seem. Rolling Stone clearly showed poor judgment in even conducting the interview let alone asking for one. General McChrystal and his staff should never have done such an interview and should have at least taken the time to sit down and review what had been written. Rolling Stone is known for its off its cutting edge pieces and respected journalism. Clearly President Obama was given little choice in replacing McChrystal and should do the same with Ambassador Eikenberry as well. I feel confident that General Petraeus will do an amazing job in stabilizing Afghanistan.