Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Politics in a small town.

My 1 year probation is just about up and then I can run for city council and the office of Mayor of Reedsport. People have asked me, "Doug why would you ever want to be the mayor of a small town?" I say, " why not." Being the face of a small town is a great experience, you get to interact with real people on a regular basis. I have applied for a few committee vacancies so we will see what happens. To be continued............

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Both VP selections cause problems.

Its tough for Barack Obama to argue for change when he chooses a 35 year member of the Senate in Joe Biden. And its going to be tough for John McCain to argue a lack of experience when he just choose Sara Palin whos only been a governer for 2 years and mayor before that.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Obama anounces VP selection.

Saturday, Barak Obama anounced that his running mate will be Senator Joe Biden of Delaware. What will this mean for the McCaine campaign?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Russia vs Georgia?

Could we be seeing the first signs of world war 3?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sad day for American Politics.

Friday in an interview with Bob Woodruff, former North Carolina Senator and U.S. Presidential candidate John Edwars admitted to having cheated on his wife Elizabeth Edwards who is curently battling cancer. Edwards love interest a Ms Hunter apeared to have been a campaing aid who he met in 2006 at a bar in NYC.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

McCain pulls even

It apears that John McCain has pulled even with the Junior Senator from Illinoise.
To be continued.........