Thursday, September 20, 2012

Unrest in the Middle East

Recent unrest in the Middle East marked by the Embassy violence in Egypt and Libya have led to a startling turn of events. Its hard to understand why the Obama Administration would allow objections by the Sudan government prevent the sending of Marines to secure the U.S. Embassy in Sudan. Also according to a September 13th  Washington Times article, "U.S. Marines defending the American embassy in Egypt were not permitted by the State Department to carry live ammunition, limiting their ability to respond to attacks like those this week on the U.S. consulate in Cairo."

If Ronald Reagan had been President you would never see the United States leave Embassy's unprotected. Not even George W. Bush would of allowed for such behavior.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 1 of Obama Care hearings.

Today saw day one of oral arguments before the Supreme Court concerning ACA, or Obama care as we all know it. The issue before the judges was whether an obscure 1867 tax law prohibits lawsuits. Solicitor General Don Verrilli argued that penalty rather than tax,prevents an AIA inquiry. The Affordable Care Act says the cost for not complying with the requirement to obtain health insurance is a penalty, not a tax. If this is the case than the power to tax and spend under the commerce clause of the Constitution would render the insurance provision on the ACA null and void and unconstitutional. There is no way the U.S. Government can argue that a penalty is constitutional under the tax and spend provision of the commerce clause. Stay tuned tomorrow for more coverage of the trial and what it means for the Republic.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

1st debate of the Season- Round 1 Iowa

Tonight marks the official start to the Presidential race towards 2012. With 8 challengers striving to differentiate themselves from one another and state the case as to why they should be given the chance to face Obama for the prestigious honor of being President of the United States. Will it be conservative Firebrand Michele Bachmann, the constant Tea Party favorite or perhaps Mitt Romney the perceived front runner and favorite to face Obama. The debate will be interesting to see if any of the 8 candidates can seize on the recent financial events and perhaps offer a common sense approach to solving Americas woes. I am curious to see what the candidates with business backgrounds offer in terms of answers. There is good reason to believe that 2012 will be a very transitional and defining moment for the American Republic. I would be curious to play the what if game of alternative history and see if we would be in the same predicament if Hillary Clinton or John McCain had been elected President instead of Obama.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lost that lovin feelin?

I've found it disturbing that Congress and the President have decieded that funding for scientific reserch is expendable while at the same time continuing to fund defense spending at an astronomical rate. According to a Fox News article, with the decomissioning of the U.S. Space shuttle program, the defunding of the Tevetron particle accelerator, the U.S. could be losing its edge in key science areas. Russia now posseses the only viable way of getting astronauts to the international space station. The U.S. also will be decontinuing its funding for a telescope that will be replacing the Hubble space telescope. I would certainly hope that the National Science Foundation and Science Board, as well as congress would reconsider funding key science initiatives rather than continuing to fund defense spending.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Get the Deal Done!

It is troubling that congress has been unable to find a solution to the debt ceiling issue. Perhaps the President should sign an executive order raising the debt ceiling by the august 2nd deadline if congress cant find a solution.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sleepless in the Capitol

An epidemic is sweeping the nations capitol and its not who you think it is. I'm talking about the one-fifths of the House Freshman currently serving in Congress. Yes a recent trend has developed that more and more Congressmen and woman are sleeping in their offices in order to save money and uphold the concept that they are average people just like you and me who don't want to live in D.C. any more than anyone else. The trend of representatives sleeping in their offices dates back to the 1980s and 90s when House Majority Leader Dick Armey of Texas was known to sleep in his office. I think it is something to think about and to ponder while standing around the water cooler.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


I recently saw an article discussing the fact that the final touches were being put on the START treaty before it goes into effect. I do to the bottom of my soul believe that the only one benefiting from the START treaty signed by RUSSIA and the U.S. is the Red Chinese. I think that in the future any arms reduction treaty that is signed must include the Peoples Republic of China. Congress owes the American people that much.